| Newsletter| December 2022 | «New Regulation on the role of the Digital Supervisor» |

Last Wednesday 30 November 2022, Decree 478/2022, of 23 November 2022, approving the regulations for the development of the requirements to exercise as a digital supervisor, the obligations of the digital supervisor and the disciplinary and sanctioning regime (hereinafter, the “Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra (Butlletí Oficial del Principat d’Andorra, BOPA), after having been approved by the Government of Andorra in the session of 23 November 2022. This Decree is an innovative regulation in which Cases&Lacambra has actively participated in its development.

Law 24/2022, of 30 June, on the digital representation of assets by means of cryptography, distributed ledger technology and blockchain (hereinafter, the “Law 24/2022”), established and regularised the figure of the digital supervisor -unprecedented in comparative law- as a new player within the blockchain ecosystem and subject to prior license to be granted by the Andorran Financial Authority (“AFA”) to exercise its activity in the Principality of Andorra.

The Firm’s team in Andorra analyzes in this Newsletter the novelties of this new Regulation.