Fabio Virzi
Email: fabio.virzi@caseslacambra.com
Telephone: +34 678 216 263 / +34 91 061 24 50 / +34 93 611 92 32
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
Fabio Virzi is a Partner of Cases & Lacambra in Spain. He is a member of the Litigation and Arbitration practice at the Firm’s Madrid office.
Fabio has extensive an experience advising all kind of clients in the resolution of civil and commercial disputes, both in the pre-litigation phase and during the proceedings.
He specializes in civil and commercial litigation before the Spanish Courts and has an extensive experience in matters relating to obligations and contracts, noncontractual liability, corporate affairs, unfair competition, directors’ liability, shareholders disputes, amongst others.
Fabio is an expert on litigation relating to the finance, banking, construction, and insurance industries sectors, as well as to M&A transactions and private equity.
Furthermore, Fabio has a strong track record in the enforcement of national and foreign judgments and awards, as well as in asset tracing and recovery. Indeed, Fabio has been appointed by FraudNet (a global association of leading attorneys in the area of anti-fraud, organized under the umbrella of the International Chamber of Paris /Commercial Crime Services) as FraudNet future for Spain.
Before joining Cases & Lacambra, Fabio worked in the litigation and arbitration departments of Uría Menéndez, Garrigues, Landwell-PwC and Ontier.
Fabio is a regular speaker at seminars on procedural law and arbitration, and he is a lecturer at the Instituto de Empresa (IE Law School) in the Master in International Business Law and in the “Master en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas“.
Fabio is fluent in Spanish, French, English, Catalan and has basic knowledge of Italian.
Universitat Ramón Llull-Esade.
Master in Business Law.
Centro de Estudios Garrigues.
Member of the Barcelona Bar Association.
Member of the Italian Chapter’s Steering Committee of the Spanish Arbitrators Club (CEA).
ICC FraudNet Future for España.
Practice Groups
- Financial Services.
- Industrial and Logistics.
- Retail and Consumer Goods.
- Technology and Innovation.
- Tourism and Hospitality.
- Newsletter: «Legislation and case law (February 2023)».
- Article: «Lack of reasoning as cause for annulment of the arbitration award for violation of public policy (STSJ Madrid CP 1st September 6, 2022)».
- The Firm collaborates with the Spanish chapter for Chambers Global Practice Guide – International Arbitration 2022.
- Article: «Setting aside of arbitration awards before the Constitutional Court».
- Global Legal Insights – International Arbitration 2022.
- Article: «Criminal prejudiciality in arbitration proceedings – STSJ de Andalucía de 17 de junio de 2021».
- Article: «Procedural public order and nullity of arbitration awards».
- Article: «The importance of the limitation period in bringing a request for annulment of the award».
- Legal Flash! «Insurers and Covid – 19».
- Article: «Criminal prejudiciality in arbitration proceedings».
- Global Legal Insights – International Arbitration 2021.
- Legal Flash! «New ruling of the Provintial Court of Zaragoza regarding statutes of limitations».
- Article: «Q&A on recognition and enforcement in Spain of judgments issued in the USA».
- Legal Flash! «Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional de 15 de febrero de 2021».
- Legal Flash! «Publicado el Real Decreto – Ley 1/2021, de 19 de enero, de protección de consumidores y usuarios frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad».
- Article: «Medidas cautelares adoptadas con respecto de contratos de arrendamiento como consecuencia de la crisis de la Covid-19».
- Legal Flash! «Agreements related to eviction proceedings published by the Judges of First Instance of Barcelona».
- Global Legal Insights to «International Arbitration 2020».
- Legal Flash! «COVID-19: Measures on litigation proceedings, insolvency and corporate winding up».
- Article: «Obtaining evidence in Spain and the United States for use in legal proceedings abroad».
- Legal Flash! «News on procedural matters».
- Article: «Mecanismos para la obtención de pruebas en EE.UU. y en España para su uso en procedimientos judiciales civiles que se tramitan en el extranjero».
- Newsletter: «La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid limita la extensión del recurso de apelación».