| Noticias | Enero 2021 | Cases&Lacambra strengthens its Andorran office and increases its technical capacities with new practice groups |

Cases&Lacambra includes a new practice group in the Firm – Public & Environmental Law. This way, the Firm completes its range of legal services, with the goal of becoming a leading law firm in the Principality of Andorra.

Our Andorran office, driven by the vision of a speed-up in the alignment of the country with the EU in the short-term, and a deep & accelerated transformation of the productive sectors of the Andorran economy, has conducted a complete transformation into full-service capacities while maintaining its original roots of specialization, international delivery standards and complete independence.

Elena Redondo will lead the Public & Environment Law Area. She has extensive experience in Public Law, Real Estate and Urban Planning, matters in which she has advised governmental and public bodies in multiple legislative and strategic projects. Furthermore, she keeps a strong track in corporate restructuring and litigation.  She has developed her career at Roca Junyent and Manubens where she founded and led the Andorran office.

Elena holds a Law Degree from de University of Barcelona and a Degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has Doctoral Studies in Urban Management and Assessment from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, a Leadership Program for Public Management from IESE Business School and a Postgraduate Program in Andorran Law from the University of Andorra.

Marta Felipó joins our Firm as a new managing associate of the Andorran office. Marta has more than 10 years of professional experience as a lawyer and her practice has been focused on litigation matters and strategic labor law advice issues. She has developed her career as a lawyer in the Unit of International affairs of the Andorran government after working as an extern in the US Federal Court in Minnesota. Prior to joining Cases&Lacambra, she worked at the Andorran office of Manubens Advocats, and she was litigator at Carlos Jornada Advocats.

She holds a Law Degree from ESADE Business School, a LLM from Minnesota Law School and a Postgraduate in Andorran Law from the University of Andorra.

Verónica Cardesín joins our Firm as a new paralegal. She has relevant experience in support tasks for clients in accounting, tax and labor matters. She has worked in Manubens and in the administration of the parish of Ordino.

With these incorporations, Cases&Lacambra stands out as a leading Firm in the Andorran legal market with a full-service team comprised by more than 15 professionals at the service of the client.