Legal Flash! «Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 – Measures about energy and other areas for economic recovery»
Author: USA Team – July 2020
Our USA team writes this brief Legal Flash about the commercial eviction procedure during the Coronavirus pandemic in Florida.

Communications: “Cases&Lacambra remains committed to its clients and professionals”
Authors: Cases&Lacambra – March 2020
Cases&Lacambra remains committed to its clients and professionals. In this context of global public health emergency caused by COVID-19, the Firm operates normally with the sole objective to work for the relief of its clients and to ensure safety for its professionals.
Article: “Obtaining evidence in Spain and the United States for use in legal proceedings abroad”
February 2020
This article was published in Newsletter of the Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Article: “Mecanismos para la obtención de pruebas en EE.UU. y en España para su uso en procedimientos judiciales civiles que se tramitan en el extranjero”
January 2020
This article was published in Diario La Ley.