We advise our clients; financial entities, foreign companies, and private clients, in order to avoid potential litigation, trying to reach settlements in an efficient and anticipated manner in any dispute they could be involved in.
If litigation is unavoidable, we prepare and design the representation and procedural strategy in each specific case, safeguarding the interests of our clients from a business perspective, by means of the available judicial and arbitral proceedings, and always trying to reach agreements to put an end to the conflict.
Some of the professionals of our litigation team regularly act as designated arbitrators by well-known arbitration institutions.
Arbitration is experiencing a very significant increase, showing itself as an alternative, agile, efficient, specialized and confidential dispute resolution system.
It is precisely for this reason that the team of Cases&Lacambra intervenes as counsel, defending our Clients’ interests in arbitration proceedings before worldwide recognized arbitral institutions or “ad hoc” Tribunals. The Firm articulates these arbitration proceedings, whether solving complex commercial disputes between companies, advising in specialized banking litigation, or solving differences arising between governments and individuals from other States for breach of bilateral or multilateral international treaties.
The arbitration team is regularly immersed in some of the most complex and relevant investment arbitration proceedings that are being carried out at international level. The team is also closely collaborating with some Chambers of Commerce, advising on the creation and implantation of new Arbitration Tribunals.
Similarly, given their wide experience on the subject, the members of the arbitration team of Cases&Lacambra are regularly selected to act as sole arbitrators or members of arbitral Tribunals, both at a national and international, ruling level matters of their specialty. They are members of the International Bar Association Arbitration Committee, regular collaborators in legal works, specialized publications, lecturers on arbitration and regular attendees to Congresses relating to the subject.
Practice Group’s Publications

ICLG to International Arbitration 2019. Andorra Chapter
Miguel Cases – September 2019
This prestigious publication, published by Global Legal Group and coordinated by WilmerHale, which covers the particularities and updates in this sector in 52 jurisdictions. C&L has written the chapter for Andorra.
See Publication

GLI to International Arbitration 2020. Andorra Chapter
Miguel Cases – May 2020
Our partner Miguel Cases contributes to the Andorran chapter of the Global Legal Insights to International Arbitration 2020, published by Global Legal Group and Garrigues. This guide covers common issues in international arbitration in 32 jurisdictions.