Cristina Villanova
Senior Associate
Email: cristina.villanova@caseslacambra.com
Telephone: +34 662 123 856 / +34 91 061 24 50 / +34 93 611 92 32
Languages: Catalan, English and Spanish.
Cristina Villanova is Senior Associate of the tax practice at Cases&Lacambra.
She is specialized in Tax planning and in advising multinational groups, SMEs and high net worth individuals, as well as advising foreign companies on their investments in Spain and Spanish companies on their investments abroad restructuring multinational groups and cross-border transactions. She also advises individuals on international taxation, including changes of tax residence, application of special regimes, and analysis of exemptions, amongst others.
She has wide experience in Tax inspection procedures and negotiation with the Spanish tax authorities. In addition, she advises family offices on restructuring transactions, including tax optimisation of wealth and succession planning.
Before joining the Tax department of Cases&Lacambra, she worked in the tax departments of Carbray International, Desigual, Deloitte and Grant Thornton.
Degree in Law.
University of Barcelona.
Master’s Degree on Tax Advice.
Member of the Barcelona Bar Association.
Member of AEDAF.
Practice Groups
- Family Offices /HNWI.
- Industrial Manufacturing and Logistics.
- Retail and Consumer Goods.
- Newsletter: « Annual Tax and Customs Control Plan for 2023»
- Tax Flash!: «The Order HFP/115/2023, establishing a new list of countries and territories that would be considered as non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes».
- Newsletter: «Tax developments for 2023».
- The Firm collaborates with the Spanish chapter for Chambers Global Practice Guide – Private Wealth 2022.
- C&L collaborates with the Spanish chapter of Getting The Deal Through – Private Client 2023.
- C&L «Tax Bulletin».
- New collaboration with the Spanish chapter Global Legal Insights – Corporate Tax 2022.
- Article: «Why Spanish influencers move to Andorra».
- Tax Flash: «Judgment of the European Union Court of Justice».
- Tax Flash: «Ley 7/2022, de 8 de abril, de Residuos y Suelos Contaminados para una Economía Circular».
- C&L «Tax Bulletin» – Marzo 2022.
- Tax Flash: «New ruling published in the Official Journal of the European Union concerning the 720 form».
- Newsletter: «Supreme Court ruling on the financial assets of the economic activity of family companies».
- Getting The Deal Through – Private Client 2021.
- Newsletter: «Plan Anual de Control Tributario y Aduanero 2022».
- Newsletter: «The European Court of Justice overturns the tax form 720».
- Newsletter: «Law 22/2021 of 28 december 2021 on the General State Budget 2022».
- Getting The Deal Through: «Private Client 2021» – Spain.
- Newsletter: «News on tax matters in Catalonia».
- Tax Newsletter: «The Official Journal of the European Union published the appeal of the European Commission against Spain in regards to the disproportionality of the tax form 720».