Jose Piñeiro
Email: jose.pineiro@caseslacambra.com
Telephone: +34 93 611 92 32 – +34 91 061 24 50
Languages: Catalan, German, English and Spanish.
Jose Piñeiro is a partner of Cases&Lacambra in Spain. His practice is focused on Litigation and Arbitration.
With more than 12 years of experience, prior to joining the Firm, Jose has developed his professional career at Cuatrecasas in the litigation department, mainly in its Barcelona office, but also in its Madrid and Palma de Mallorca offices.
Jose has a wide expertise in banking litigation, representing national and international financial institutions. He is also an expert on consumer protection.
His experience includes legal assistance in judicial and arbitration proceedings in the field of civil and commercial law. He is specialized in cases of contractual and non-contractual civil liability in the fields of sports, insurance, construction and corporate disputes.
He is also specialized in damages claims for antitrust infringements.
Alongside his professional career, he is a lecturer in the Civil Law Department of the University Pompeu Fabra since 2008. He has lectured in several programmes related to Sports and he is member of the faculty of the Master in Sports Management of the Barcelona School of Management (UPF) from 2009.
Law Degree
University Pompeu Fabra
Master in Business Law
University Pompeu Fabra
PhD in Civil Law
University Pompeu Fabra
Member of the Barcelona Bar Association
Practice Groups
- Antitrust Damages.
- Banking Litigation.
- Insurance.
- Sports & Entertainment.
- Newsletter: «Legislation and case law (February 2023)».
- The Firm collaborates with the Spanish chapter for Chambers Global Practice Guide – International Arbitration 2022.
- Article: «Setting aside of arbitration awards before the Constitutional Court».
- Global Legal Insights – International Arbitration 2022.
- Article: «The importance of the limitation period in bringing a request for annulment of the award».
- Legal Flash! «Insurers and Covid – 19».
- Global Legal Insights – International Arbitration 2021.
- Legal Flash! «New ruling of the Provintial Court of Zaragoza regarding statutes of limitations».
- Legal Flash! «Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional de 15 de febrero de 2021».
- Legal Flash! «Publicado el Real Decreto – Ley 1/2021, de 19 de enero, de protección de consumidores y usuarios frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad».
- Legal Flash! «Agreements related to eviction proceedings published by the Judges of First Instance of Barcelona».
- Article: «Non-performance of business agreements in Spain amid the coronavirus turmoil».
- Global Legal Insights to «International Arbitration 2020».
- Legal Flash! «COVID-19: Measures on litigation proceedings, insolvency and corporate winding up».
- Legal Flash! «Medidas procesales y organizativas para hacer frente al COVID-19 en el ámbito de la administración de justicia».
- Legal Flash! «News on procedural matters».
- Article: «Considerations regarding the effects on contracts between employers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic».
- Legal Flash:«Supreme Court confirms that the statute of limitations to file personal actions arisen between 7th October 2005 and 7th October 2015 ends next 7th October 2020».
- Report: «Betray the accomplices of a cartel: how to save your company a million-dollar fine».