Marta González-Llera
Email: marta.gonzalezllera@caseslacambra.com
Telephone: +91 197 85 67 / 667 487 983
Languages: English and Spanish.
Marta González-Llera is a partner of Cases & Lacambra in Spain. Her professional practice focuses on Real Estate and Urban Planning Law. This double specialization allows her to offer comprehensive advice in all phases of the real estate cycle.
She has an extensive professional career of more than 15 years in the Real Estate sector. During this time, she has specialized in advising national and international clients in the acquisition and operation of singular assets (residential, hotel, offices, student residences, senior living, logistics, datacenters, etc.), development, construction and turnkey contracts, financing and corporate and joint venture operations.
She has also consolidated her advice with the preparation of urban planning and management instruments, the obtaining of licenses and all kinds of permits, and the legal direction of contentious-administrative appeals related to urban and environmental matters.
Marta González-Llera holds a degree in Law and a diploma in Business Studies from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas – ICADE and prepared for the competitive examinations to the State Notary Corps at the Matrisense Academy of Notaries.
Prior to joining Cases & Lacambra, she has developed an intense activity throughout the last years at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.
She complements her professional activity with research and teaching, being a lecturer at the Legal Clinic of Autónoma University and International University of la Rioja. She is also a lecturer on the High Specialization Course in Real Estate Law at the School of Legal Practice of Complutense University.
Marta González-Llera is the author of several doctrinal articles in legal journals and specialized media. She has been recognized as Next Generation Partner by Legal 500.
Law Degree.
Comillas Pontifical University – ICADE.
Diploma in Business Administration.
Comillas Pontifical University – ICADE.
Postgraduate in law, Development and Diplomacy.
Georgetown University.
Preparation for competitive examinations to the State Notary Corps.
Matrisense Academy of Notaries.
Member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Practice Groups
- Energy & Infraestructures.
- Industrial Manufacturign & Logistics.
- Real Estate & Construction.
- Tourism & Hospitality.