Raquel Frías Rivera
Email: raquel.frias@caseslacambra.com
Telephone: +34 91 141 49 32 / +34 644 258 220
Languages: English and Spanish.
Raquel Frías Rivera is a Partner at Cases & Lacambra and head of the Public Law and Regulated Sectors practice in Spain.
Raquel Frías Rivera has a degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; a diploma in Business Administration from the Universidad CEU San Pablo; and has been a member of the State Bar since 2002.
The new partner has broad professional experience both in the litigation field, in the labor and contentious-administrative jurisdiction at the State Attorney’s Office in Madrid, as well as in the advisory field. She has held roles in the State Attorney’s Office of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts, and Democratic Memory, and more recently in the General Secretariat of European Funds and, being the State Attorney coordinating legal assistance agreements with AENA and the Sociedad Estatal de Infraestructuras del Transporte Terrestre, S.M.E., S.A. (SEITT).
Based in the Madrid office, she will lead a transversal, multidisciplinary practice focused on regulated sectors – Energy, Transport, and Infrastructure – and, in general, on all those in which the intervention of Public Administrations is a key element to success.
She is the author of several publications such as the “Memento Práctico Francis Lefebvre: Contratación pública. Abogacía del Estado” (2021-2022); the “Manual de Derecho Administrativo Sancionador. Coordination” of the Ministry of Justice” (2009); or the “Manual de Delitos contra la Hacienda Pública. Protection of the financial interests of the European Communities“, of the Spanish Ministry of Justice (2008).
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Graduate in Business Administration
Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid
State Attorney
Member of the Madrid Bar Association
Practice Groups
- Public Law and Regulated Sectors
- Regulated Sectors.
- Energy.
- Infraestructures.
- Practical Memento Francis Lefebvre. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. STATE ATTORNEY, Ed. Francis Lefebvre- El Derecho. Updated 2021-2022
- Manual de Derecho Administrativo Sancionador. Coordination. Ministry of Justice, Ed. Aranzadi, Madrid, 2009
- Manual de Delitos contra la Hacienda Pública. Protección de los intereses financieros de la Comunidades Europeas, Ministry of Justice, B.O.E., Madrid, 2008
- Review of the Administration’s activity. Review procedure and administrative and contentious-administrative appeals. Ed. Comares, Madrid, November 2005