| Events | December 2019 | Business Breakast US-Spain DTT  in Madrid|

Last July the United States Senate ratified the Double Taxation Agreement between Spain and the United States after years of waiting. Although the new protocol amending the Convention to eliminate double taxation signed between Spain and the United States (CDI) was signed in 2013, its ratification has been delayed for reasons of taxpayer privacy. Nowadays, it has already been approved along with the amendment of three other existing conventions with Switzerland, Japan and Luxembourg. After ratification, it entered into force last November.

In this scenario, el Consejo General de la Abogacía Española organized a legal breakfast last December to analyze and comment on the opportunities and improvements included in the new protocol that entered into force on 27 November.

Cristina Villanova, an associate of the Firm’s Tax team, participated in the breakfast, which dealt with specific tax aspects to be taken into account in this new protocol. She was joined by Elisa García Grande, project manager at Invest In Madrid and Carmen Gil Casares, partner at Spyn Advisors.

Cases&Lacambra expert explained the benefit limitation clause, one of the aspects introduced by the new protocol.

The business breakfast was a key meeting to analyze some of the most relevant aspects of this new protocol by tax experts.