Oscar Morales


Email: oscar.morales@caseslacambra.com

Telephone: +376 728 001 / +34 91 061 24 50 / +34 93 611 92 32


Idiomas: Catalan, Spanish, English and Italian.

Oscar Morales is a partner at Cases & Lacambra. He leads the White Collar, Compliance and Internal Investigations practice.

Oscar is Ph.D. in Law, he is currently a lecturer at the Ramón Llull University (ESADE) and has been a lecturer in various Spanish and foreign Universities. He has over 30 years’ experience in investigation and teaching. He is the author of several books and academic articles on financial crimes, bribery corruption, securities fraud and crimes against labour rights. He is a regular lecturer and has organised seminars and training courses for judges in the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary.

He has been a partner at one of Spain’s leading law firms over thirteen years. Oscar has an extensive experience in preventive legal advice to corporations and management, designing and implementing crime prevention models for corporates and developing a wide range of internal investigations. He has defended the interest of various financial and banking institutions and of the members of their executive management, financial directors and, in some cases, members of the Board of Directors in complex matters. He has also represented multinational companies of various sectors of activity, such as energy, fashion and luxury, consumer goods, health, and infrastructures, before professional and jury courts.

Oscar Morales was a magistrate at the Barcelona Provincial Court for four years.

He has been regularly recognised by the most important legal Directories, such as Chambers & Partners as one of the leading practitioners in white collar in Spain.


Law Degree
Universidad de Cantabria

Ph. D. in Law
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Institut für Krimilogie und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht Freiburg,

Member of the Barcelona Bar Association

Practice Groups


  • Financial Services.
  • Governments.
  • Family Offices / HNWI


  • «El horizonte de sucesos de la justicia penal», Real Academia Europea de Doctores, 2023.
  • «Errores Invencibles», Oscar Morales, 2021.
  • «Delincuencia informática. Problemas de responsabilidad», (Director). Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial, n.º 9, 2002.
  • «Contenidos ilícitos y responsabilidad de los ISP», (coordinador), Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2002.
  • «Los delitos de malversación. Apropiación, utilización temporal y administración desleal de caudales públicos», Oscar Morales, 1999.
  • «Código penal con Jurisprudencia», ediciones 1ª a 3ª, (Director), Aranzadi, 2012-2018.
  • «Código Penal y leyes penales especiales», eds. 1.ª a 28.ª, VALLE MUÑIZ/MORALES GARCÍA/FERNÁNDEZ PALMA, Aranzadi, 1996-2023.


Chambers & Partners (Chambers Europe)
Band 2, 17 years in the ranking.

Permanent Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

Honorary Member of the European Superior Council of Doctors (CONSEDOC).

Medal for Professional Merit
Awarded unanimously by the board of trustees of ESERP Business & Law School, 2019.

Best 40 Iberian Lawyer under Forty

Lawyer of the Year 2015 and 2018
Corporate Defense (Best Lawyers).